Green Product Certification

For twenty years, the Green Clean Institute has stood for the best standards for Green and Healthy buildings.  Part of the program is review and certification of Green products.  The Green Clean Institute does not sell products and has not biased poistion other than Green, sustainable, and healthy solutions in the cleaning industry.  The process for Green product certification is straightforward and usually accomplished in less than 60 days instead of two years like other certifications.

Start a Sanitizing Business

If you are thinking about starting a sanitizing service, the best advice is to follow a superior process as others offer little more than what can be found off-the-shelf cleaning and sanitizing solutions.  The National Ozone Association is one of the most experienced organization with a history of dealing with cleaning, sanitizing, and odor control.  

Coronavirus, Infection Control for Cleaning Services

With the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in China, everyone is more than anxious to upgrade their workforce for the challenge of cleaning and sanitizing for infectious diseases, and in particular, the latest Coronavirus.  The Green Clean Institute has gone full force to study, dissect, and formulate a tracing program called, "Coronavirus, Infection Control for Cleaning Service Workers."

String Mops are Ineffective for Cleaning

Unless the goal is cleaning an industrial concrete surface, string mops are very old school and mostly a poor choice.  Although the string mops are still being sold and used in routine cleaning service, string mops seem to be both inefficient and rather unGreen.

While there are supply companies are offering training on choosing the right type of mop to use for the job, we should ask why these are still used for a professional service?  Worse yet, string mops with a single bucket of water tends to spread dirty and contaminant from room to room.

What is Green Cleaning?

Most cleaning services are mistaken about the nature of Green cleaning.  And the confusion is understandable.  Some Green promoter tout energy efficiency and LED lights.  Others loudly promote construction of Green buildings.  What about recycling and waste disposal?  There's carbon footprint, source reduction, recycling program, transportation, plastic bottles, and worries about deforestation.

SEO Janitorial Ranking Secrets

Janitorial websiteBREAKING NEWS: Having a website is not a one-time effort.  To achieve a well-ranked website, you need a primer on SEO Janitorial ranking secrets.  Don't worry.  Even marginal progress will help your website reach more potential customers.  And, if your website isn't Google Page One for some important keyword searches, your website is nearly invisible to those potential customers.

Getting page one Google results for your website is the combination four important pieces.  First is an optimized website that is more than a nice try.  Things like content, images, tags, titles, and keywords are mostly hidden to viewers.  But, they are gold to the search engines.

Long-Term Affect of a Toxic Building

What makes a sick building?  High levels of any threat may do the job.  Diseases like Legionnaires Disease are the result of standing water and maintenance neglect.  However, pathogens are not the most common sick building problem.  Toxins are resident gases, chemicals, and pesticides are constantly added to every building, and there is no good process to remove or detoxify the residue.

PECO Building promotes a Green Workplace Agenda

PECO Green Building AwardCSI International has been a well-known and high-quality cleaning service in the Newtown, PA area with branches in several states.  CSI has worked with the Green Clean Institute to certify the PECO building in Philadelphia, PA.  This is a LEED certified building and is therefore well-positioned to earn the GCI Green Cleaned building award.

According to the Green Clean Institute, roughly 95% of buildings are not eligible or prepared to go through the cost and demands of the LEED certification.  However, there are many buildings that are making improvements to their daily operations that we call "Progressive Greening."  Progressive Greening of a building or office means making measurable progress to improve the cleaning program and the health quality of the building.
